Dispatched Within 48 Hours.



Q: How can I pay for my order?

A: We have two payment models. Cash on Delivery and Online Bank Transfer.



Q: How long do you take to dispatch the order ?

A: Typically within 48 hours from the time of purchase, orders are dispatched. Your order begins processing immediately upon confirmation, ensuring swift delivery to your doorstep. Please note that during holiday season processing may take longer.

Q: What are the shipping charges?

A: Our standard shipping fee is PKR 200 for all orders.

Q: How long does it take for my parcel to reach me?

A: It takes 2-3 working days to deliver in Lahore, and 3-5 working days for other cities across Pakistan. Please note, during the holiday season, shipping may take longer. 

Q: Do you ship outside Pakistan?

A: We currently only ship in Pakistan.




Q: What is your Returns & Exchange policy?  

A: The customer is eligible for an exchange if the product at the time of delivery is physically damaged and not in a satisfactory condition.


If the customer has received an inaccurate order.

(The customer has to report us the inaccuracy or damage within 24 hours after getting the delivery to initiate the exchange process.)





